EU reveals more No Deal assurances

EU reveals more No Deal assurances

The European Union has set out its strategy to ensure “basic air and road connectivity” in the event of the United Kingdom leaving without a deal. As March 29, the scheduled date for Brexit, looms closer, the EU has released plans to make sure that “basic...
EU reveals more No Deal assurances

Questions over CE mark post-Brexit

The UKCA mark is set to supersede the current CE mark after Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, although both will be recognised during an indefinite “grace period.” The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) mark, subject to parliamentary approval, will be used for...
Spicers issues Brexit statement

Spicers issues Brexit statement

The company has responded to the ongoing turmoil surrounding Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union. “We are unable to talk confidently about what will happen moving forward with Brexit, as the political landscape remains uncertain and subject to speculation,”...
The EU goes 5G

The EU goes 5G

Citizens across the Union will have access to 5G connectivity from 2020, following the passing of new telecoms legislation in the European Parliament. MEPs voted in November in favour of the new laws, which will boost the investment needed to make 5G available in...
EU calls time on geo-blocking

EU calls time on geo-blocking

The European Union’s new rules preventing geo-blocking became reality this week. Geo-blocking is described by the European Parliament as “any restriction imposed by online shops, based on nationality, place of residence, or place of connection.” Examples include...