EU Circular Economy package becomes law

EU Circular Economy package becomes law

The European Union’s long-awaited waste legislation came into effect at the beginning of this month, having been published in the Union’s Official Journal of new laws. Having been agreed upon by the European Council, Commission, and Parliament in December, approved by...
Brexit White Paper: IP implications

Brexit White Paper: IP implications

After over two years of debate, discussion and disagreement, the British Government recently revealed its White Paper proposal for the UK’s future relationship with the European Union. In a new post for Lexology, Herbert Smith Freehills LLP looks at the detail of the...
EU unveils plastic waste legislation

EU unveils plastic waste legislation

The European Commission has announced a new set of legislation in a bit to tackle the ever-growing amount of plastic waste, and the marine pollution it is causing. The new rules target single-use plastics specifically, with the focus on the 10 most common products...
GDPR is coming – are you ready?

GDPR is coming – are you ready?

On the 25th of May, the new European Union directive will come into force – make sure your business is ready for the changes! The General Data Protection Regulation was announced in April 2016, and becomes law in every EU Member State at the end of this week. The law...