Greentec featured on ‘In Your Backyard’

Greentec featured on ‘In Your Backyard’

Tony Perrotta, Greentec’s President, CEO and Founder, has been featured on CTV Kitchener’s show, In Your Backyard. The show was filmed on location in Greentec’s warehouse, where Perrotta explained “all electronic devices end up at end of life”, with Greentec helping...
Greentec selling refurbished laptops

Greentec selling refurbished laptops

The cartridge collector has branched out into the sale of refurbished laptops on its website. According to the Canadian company, all of its “quality refurbished laptops and tablets” originate from “trusted sources.” Greentec also offers “certified privacy compliance...
The toxic scourge of mercury

The toxic scourge of mercury

Cambridge, Ontario-based company, Greentec, securely disposes of and recycles used electronics and IT equipment to help lessen their environmental impact. One of the reasons for the importance of such recycling of electronical equipment is the effect it can have when...