Cartridge World Cyprus Director interviewed

Cartridge World Cyprus Director interviewed

Recently, the Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry published and interview with Duncan Glover, Director of Cartridge World Cyprus. In the interview Glover explains why he saw an opportunity in bringing the Cartridge World Franchise to Cyprus. He now owns six...
HP CEO prioritises diversity

HP CEO prioritises diversity

The OEM’s Chief Executive announced recently that HP was prepared to turn vendors away unless they step up their company diversity. In an interview with Fortune magazine, Dion Weisler revealed that he has told HP’s vendors to “step up” their diversity commitments, or...
HP’s Monino speaks out

HP’s Monino speaks out

The OEM’s Vice President of Global Strategy and Business Management for 3D Printing has given an interview in which he discusses HP’s plans for the sector. In the interview with CRN, Monino begins by discussing the targets for HP’s new Jet Fusion 300 and 500 models,...