Canon continues to request Amazon removals

Canon continues to request Amazon removals

The OEM has reported on its latest requests for removals of certain cartridges offered by some resellers on Amazon in America and Canada. Canon Inc. announced the filing of an infringement report with seeking the removal of an listing for certain...
Brother busts counterfeit network in Germany

Brother busts counterfeit network in Germany

ICCE reports on Brother’s recent success in Germany where Brother discovered a network of counterfeiters selling fake toner cartridges on Amazon. Brother International Europe Ltd. is the European sales headquarter of Brother Industries, Ltd. Towards the end of 2019,...
More Amazon removals in the UK and US

More Amazon removals in the UK and US

Canon has requested more removals of toner cartridges offered by 3WM Office Supplies and Neqtiq. from Amazon UK and MENGYAN STORE from Amazon in the US. Canon Inc. announced the filing of Report Infringement Forms with Amazon UK based on the alleged use of claims 1...
Canon notches up over 3000 Amazon takedowns

Canon notches up over 3000 Amazon takedowns

The OEM has calculated how its activities in the first half of 2020 has resulted over 3,000 listing removals from Amazon in Europe, Australia, Canada and the United States. Canon Inc. announced that in about the first half of 2020, it has used the Amazon Reporting...