New certifications for Kyocera SA

New certifications for Kyocera SA

The OEM’s South African branch has been awarded the ISO 14001:2015 certificate. The new certification rewards the company’s environmental sustainability strategy, according to IT Web, with Kyocera’s founder, Kazuo Inamori, stating that this must be the OEM’s “guiding...
Ultimaker achieves ISO certifications

Ultimaker achieves ISO certifications

Ultimaker, specialising in desktop 3D printing, has announced that it has garnered two ISO certifications. The company achieved certification against ISO 9001:2015 for quality management and ISO 14001:2015 for environmental management based on a rigorous, company-wide...
GIT proudly reveals ISO certification

GIT proudly reveals ISO certification

German Imaging Technologies (GIT) Dubai LLC has announced the acquisition of the ISO 14001:2015 certification for sustainability. The company’s CEO, Dr Sassan Dieter Khatib-Shahidi, broke the news, offering his heartfelt congratulations to his team on obtaining the...
Totalpost receives ISO certification

Totalpost receives ISO certification

Franking machine cartridge remanufacturer, Totalpost Mailing Ltd, has announced this week that it has been awarded an ISO certification. Totalpost has been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 certification. The highest level of ISO accreditation available, Totalpost explains...