Ray Morgan Company and UBEO merge

Ray Morgan Company and UBEO merge

This week the news broke that Ray Morgan Company (RMC) and UBEO Business Services have merged under a “private equity umbrella”. As The Imaging Channel reports, this merger will unite “more than 700 employees and an installed base of 135,000 machines in field (MIF)”....
Xerox defeat offers Fujifilm hope?

Xerox defeat offers Fujifilm hope?

Fujifilm has won its appeal against the American OEM, with the preliminary injunctions overturned. The appeal was lodged after Xerox – following pressure from billionaire shareholders Carl Icahn and Darwin Deason – scrapped a much-vaunted joint venture with Fujifilm,...
Xerox defeat offers Fujifilm hope?

Komori: “No compromise” for Fujifilm

The Chairman and CEO of the OEM has said whilst it still intends to work towards the acquisition of Xerox, the deal is “not indispensable” for Fujifilm’s future growth. The Nikkei Asian Review reports that in an interview with Shigetaka Komori, the CEO declared that...
Fuji Xerox head foresees no break-up

Fuji Xerox head foresees no break-up

Despite the escalating conflict between Fujifilm and Xerox, the head of the OEMs’ joint venture said their dispute “will not lead to the venture’s dissolution.” As Reuters reports, Fuji Xerox President Kouichi Tamai is not predicting any major fall-out from the...
Fujifilm hits legal dead-end

Fujifilm hits legal dead-end

A Manhattan state judge has elected not to dissolve an order forbidding the planned merger between Fujifilm and Xerox. As Bloomberg reports, this decision on the part of the judge means that Fujifilm has lost “another possible option for keeping the deal alive”. It is...