PaperCut ranked #1 for third-year running

PaperCut ranked #1 for third-year running

For the third year running, IDC has ranked PaperCut Software at #1 for Worldwide and U.S. Device and Print Management market share in its recently published, IDC Worldwide and U.S. Device and Print Management Market Shares, 2022 report. While navigating the hybrid...
MPSA announces newly elected board

MPSA announces newly elected board

The Managed Print Services Association, a not-for-profit, volunteer-led association to help further Managed Print, announced its new Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Elections were held in June, with two-year terms beginning 1 August 2023. The newly elected...
MPS Monitor Srl partners with ShipsInk B.V.

MPS Monitor Srl partners with ShipsInk B.V.

MPS Monitor Srl partners with ShipsInk B.V. to provide management and monitoring of global, scalable and efficient maritime printing solutions on board of sea vessels. MPS Monitor has announced a partnership with ShipsInk, a printer supplies and Managed Print Services...