“More action” needed on UK plastics

“More action” needed on UK plastics

New independent research from compostable packaging company TIPA has revealed that the majority of consumers feel the British Government’s measures to combat plastic waste don’t go far enough. Prime Minister Theresa May has pledged to eliminate plastic waste by 2042,...
Planet Ark’s plastic waste monster

Planet Ark’s plastic waste monster

In collaboration with HP, the Australian company has highlighted the threat of plastic waste with a new report and art installation. The report found that Australians consider marine plastic pollution as their top concern, in terms of environmental sustainability....
Sweden fights SE Asia plastic waste

Sweden fights SE Asia plastic waste

The Scandinavian nation has joined forces with UN Environment and COBSEA – the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia – to combat plastic pollution in Southeast Asian over the coming years. The project, which is funded by the Sweden International Development...
France targets plastic waste problem

France targets plastic waste problem

The nation is introducing a series of measures designed at promoting plastic recycling, in the face of a global epidemic. According to K-Zeitung, France is planning to introduce a deposit system for plastic bottles, as well as encouraging manufacturers to make plastic...