How Australia is waging war on waste

How Australia is waging war on waste

A recent blog by Cartridges4PlanetArk describes the different ways in which Australia is tackling the problem of plastic waste and improving sustainability. Plastic waste has been a frequent topic of newspaper headlines and magazine columns in recent months, as the...
Innovation fund to fight plastic waste

Innovation fund to fight plastic waste

The UK Government has announced a new plastics research and innovation fund, with the intention of driving a more sustainable approach to plastic manufacturing and consumption. The £20 million ($26.3 million/€22.8 million) package is being launched to encourage...
Innovation fund to fight plastic waste

EU unveils plastic waste legislation

The European Commission has announced a new set of legislation in a bit to tackle the ever-growing amount of plastic waste, and the marine pollution it is causing. The new rules target single-use plastics specifically, with the focus on the 10 most common products...