India wages war on single-use plastic

India wages war on single-use plastic

The nation’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, has declared that the country will rid itself of all single-use plastic by 2022, as The Guardian reports. In addition to this ambitious pledge, which “aims to drastically stem the flow of plastic from the 1.3 billion people...
Plastic lays a fatal swath in our oceans

Plastic lays a fatal swath in our oceans

The most recent infographic from CIG unveils the devastating toll that plastic pollution is taking on our oceans’ inhabitants. The infographic states, “Our marine life is suffering slow and painful deaths due to plastic pollution.” It goes on to give the dreadful...
Wading in an ocean of plastic

Wading in an ocean of plastic

A new infographic from Clover Imaging Group reveals the disturbing truth about the amount of plastic which ends up in the world’s oceans. According to the infographic, a whopping 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans on an annual basis, creating “enough...