The demonisation of plastic?

The demonisation of plastic?

An article by Rob Bishop, Managing Director of Airpack Systems, asks whether plastic deserves all of the negative press it has been receiving of late. Opening the article by explaining that plastic is currently being “demonised for its damaging effects on the...
Australian ministers make packaging pledge

Australian ministers make packaging pledge

The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) is to lead a historic target of achieving 100 percent recyclable, reusable or compostable packaging by 2025. Following on from the launch of the UK Plastic Pact, in a landmark Meeting of the Environment...
The grim facts behind plastic decomposition

The grim facts behind plastic decomposition

The latest CIG infographic on plastic waste reveals that almost every piece of plastic that has ever been created “still exists in some form or another”, except for the “tiny percentage” which has been incinerated. It then goes on to reveal how long it takes different...
The oily truth behind plastic production

The oily truth behind plastic production

The latest in CIG’s series of infographics regarding plastic pollution reveals the dark truth behind what plastic is made of. As the infographic explains, plastic is made using oil, with the plastics industry utilising roughly 8 percent of the total amount of oil...
CIG reveals alarming plastic production stats

CIG reveals alarming plastic production stats

Clover Imaging Group has released an infographic highlighting the worrying figures behind plastic production. The infographic reveals that 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic have been produced to date, on a global basis. This amount of plastic could cover an area the size...