Plastic export market “under threat”

Plastic export market “under threat”

Proposed amendments to the Basel Convention, the international treaty governing waste shipments, could hit the export market for mixed plastic waste. The 1992 Convention was signed up to by 53 nations, including the United Kingdom, and binds them to various rules on...
How to grow a green business

How to grow a green business

In this troubled 21st century, hounded by pressing environmental issues such as the growing plastic pandemic, businesses opting to go green will have a positive impact on both the environment and your corporate reputation. Here’s how to go about it. As Sustainable...
UK recycling policy may surpass EU plans

UK recycling policy may surpass EU plans

At a recent LARAC conference held in Nottingham, a new policy on waste and recycling developed by DEFRA and the UK government was unveiled by DEFRA’s Chris Preston. Although the strategy could not be revealed in its entirety as it will not be published until the end...
NZ recycling “won’t be enough”

NZ recycling “won’t be enough”

A new report has said radical improvements in New Zealand’s recycling infrastructure may not save the country from plastic waste. According to Newshub, the Pacific nation will “have to eliminate unnecessary packaging entirely,” based on the findings of a report from...