ACOR unveils ten-point plan

ACOR unveils ten-point plan

The Australian Council of Recycling has published its ten-point plan for results-based recycling, as it attempts to “take charge of making change.” “We are now at a crossroads,” the organisation declares, explaining that “Australia is currently ranked about 17th in...
Celebrate International E-waste Day!

Celebrate International E-waste Day!

The very first International E-waste Day will be held this year, on 13 October 2018, powered by the WEEE Forum, with the support of 25 non-profit e-waste management companies spanning 19 countries. It is estimated that 50 million tonnes of e-waste will be generated...
Golden potential of Africa’s landfill

Golden potential of Africa’s landfill

According to UN environment, Africa’s landfill sites are full of ‘untapped potential’, such as the opportunity of turning e-waste into gold. Speaking recently at the Earth Innovation Forum in Tallinn, which took place on 5 September 2018, the Director General of Home...
Nepal faces e-waste conundrum

Nepal faces e-waste conundrum

The Nepalese capital of Kathmandu is beginning to reach crisis point as electronic waste stacks up and up. According to the Nepali Times, the Doko Recyclers warehouse in Sano Thimi is inundated with more than 55 tonnes of e-waste, which has accumulated in the twelve...