More removal requests from Canon

More removal requests from Canon

Canon requested the removal of toner cartridges offered by FELIXMANIA S.L from Amazon Spain, by XIANSHIBEILINQUJINGLINGBAIHUODIAN via various European Amazon sites and by HBOYY from Amazon Canada. Canon Inc. announced the filing of Report Infringement Forms with...
Canon continues with more Amazon removals

Canon continues with more Amazon removals

The OEM has announced more requests for removals of toner cartridges offered by TT Recycling GmBH from Amazon Germany, by MORECOLORFUL from Amazon USA and by Ink Toner 4 You from Amazon Canada. Canon Inc. announced the filing of Report Infringement Forms with...
Canon continues to file Report Infringement Forms

Canon continues to file Report Infringement Forms

The OEM announced it requested removal of toner cartridges from Amazon Germany, Mexico and Canada. Canon Inc. announced the filing of Report Infringement Forms with based on the alleged use of claims 1 and 2 of the German portion of Canon’s European...
Canon continues to file Report Infringement Forms

Amazon receives more removal requests

Canon requested removal of toner cartridge offered by Pro-autoparts from, tonerworld aus from Amazon Australia and Soldcrazy Germany Distribution GmbH from Canon Inc. announced the filing of an infringement report with seeking removal...