Katun receives STMC certification

Katun receives STMC certification

The company has been showcasing its latest certification, which it received from the I-ITC. Katun says it actively develops and co-develops its products with an extensive network of the world’s finest manufacturers, and rigorously test them in all their intended...
G&G talks environmental compliance

G&G talks environmental compliance

Today’s consumers are highly aware of how their choices are impacting the world around them so for any brand it is important to be environmentally complaint. Consumers are demanding more environmentally friendly products and governments are pushing hard for stricter...
Reusing IT – Measure the benefits

Reusing IT – Measure the benefits

Inrego and IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute are publishing a new database model to measure the environmental savings of reusing IT. The model is open and free to use for the entire IT reuse industry and anyone who is interested in measuring the...
WEEE Forum responds to standards study

WEEE Forum responds to standards study

Umweltbundesamt GmbH and Dr Brüning Engineering UG have issued their study on Quality Standards for the Treatment of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), the WEEE Forum and CENELEC publishedtehir position papers in response. For many years, the WEEE...
WEEE Forum responds to standards study

Call for EU wide uniform conditions

The WEEE Forum and other signatories published a position paper calling for EU wide uniform WEEE treatment standards in strict accordance with the European standards. The European Commission is considering the preparation of possible Implementing Acts laying down...