70,000 votes cast and you broke our server – again!

70,000 votes cast and you broke our server – again!

The third Monday of January is called Blue Monday because it is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. Pseudoscience or not, one of our web servers went down very early this morning and we also had a short power outage and the alarm company called at 5am...
70,000 votes cast and you broke our server – again!

The Recycler Live 2020 Awards – Voting now open!

The Recycler Live 2020 Awards – Nominations are: We are pleased to announce the nominations for The Recycler Live Awards 2020. The goal of these awards is to showcase the outstanding quality of individuals and organisations whose passion, talent and expertise that...
Remanexpo: Co-Sponsor announced

Remanexpo: Co-Sponsor announced

The Recycler is pleased to announce G&G as a co-sponsor of The Recycler Live Seminar Programme that returns to Remanexpo, part of Paperworld, next month on the 25-28 January in Hall 6.1. “We are pleased to have G&G as a co-sponsor and their strong...
Remanexpo: Co-Sponsor announced

Remanexpo seminar programme announced

The Recycler Live returns next month for an exciting new chapter at Remanexpo, Part of Paperworld held 25 – 28 January 2020 at Messe Frankfurt. The Recycler Live returns next month (25-28 January) for an exciting new chapter at Remanexpo, part of Paperworld,...