Latest video of Cyan and Magenta

Latest video of Cyan and Magenta

In this latest video of friends Cyan and Magenta, the two start life once again as a remanufactured cartridge from CIG. Clover Imaging Group (CIG) launched its new environmental campaign, releasing videos of OEM friends Cyan and Magenta journey through the process...
Latest video of Cyan and Magenta

The latest Cyan and Magenta adventure

In this latest video from Clover Imaging Group (CIG), OEM Magenta reflects on the processes at Clover she has been through and wonders if she will ever be re-united with her best friend OEM Cyan. Clover Imaging Group launched its new environmental campaign, releasing...
Latest video of Cyan and Magenta

Meet best friends Cyan and Magenta!

Clover Imaging Group (CIG) has launched its new environmental campaign releasing its first video of OEM friends Cyan and Magenta, two cartridges showing how to reuse and recycle cartridges. CIG describes the OEM friends Cyan and Magenta as inseparable. The company...
Get the insight of GM Technology

Get the insight of GM Technology

? The new company video showcases GM Technology’s commitment to circular economy and how they manage to save hundreds of thousands of toner cartridges going to landfill every year. Calling it “unique in the world”, GM Technology has made a new company video explaining...
Find a million

Find a million

Nubeprint launches video campaign to find a million cartridges  Despite the best efforts of the Reuse community millions of single-use toner and ink cartridges are “lost” every year. The Nubeprint app can help printer owners find a reuse solution when...