Mixed opinions on new decaBDE threshold

Mixed opinions on new decaBDE threshold

After last months call that the amount allowed is still too high, Axion Polymers, a resource recovery and processing solutions company for recycling waste materials based in the UK, says it welcomes the new proposed 500ppm decaBDE limit for recycled plastics. In March...
China aims for zero waste imports

China aims for zero waste imports

The nation’s Environment Ministry has revealed that the country is planning to cut imports of solid waste to zero by 2020, as it attempts to reduce pollution. According to Reuters, the country is also aiming to encourage recyclers to tackle the “soaring volumes” of...
No Deal Brexit worries waste exporters

No Deal Brexit worries waste exporters

DEFRA, the British Government Department for Environment, Food, and Agriculture, has warned the country’s waste export businesses to identify “alternative export routes” so as to avoid disruption caused by a No Deal Brexit. Although Parliament has indicated its...
Plastic export market “under threat”

Plastic export market “under threat”

Proposed amendments to the Basel Convention, the international treaty governing waste shipments, could hit the export market for mixed plastic waste. The 1992 Convention was signed up to by 53 nations, including the United Kingdom, and binds them to various rules on...