Xerox partners desire business as usual

Xerox partners desire business as usual

Following on from the furore around the now-defunct deal with Fujifilm, Xerox’s partners say they are keen to get back to business and focus on what they “do best”. As CRN reveals, the emphasis for the OEM’s partners is ‘business as usual’, now that the “high-stakes...
Fujifilm prepares to bring Xerox to court

Fujifilm prepares to bring Xerox to court

In the latest twist in the thwarted Fujifilm-Xerox deal saga, Fujifilm has revealed that it is planning to sue the OEM for damages. As Reuters reveals, Fujifilm is set to sue Xerox, “deeming that the U.S. photocopier company has no legal right to unilaterally scrap...
John Visentin becomes Xerox CEO

John Visentin becomes Xerox CEO

Following on from the tumultuous events of recent weeks and the resignation of former CEO Jeff Jacobson and other Board members, Xerox has announced the appointment of Jon Visentin. Visentin, who was engaged as a consultant by Carl Icahn, was also elected Vice...
Xerox India sets sights on SMBs

Xerox India sets sights on SMBs

The OEM’s subcontinental subsidiary has declared that it will be putting its focus upon small and medium-sized businesses in the country, as well as its MPS segment. The company is seeking “a larger play in the printing segment,” according to The Hindu Business Line,...