Toshiba Tec reports latest financial results

by | Aug 7, 2019 | 0 comments

The company reported its financial results for the quarter which ended 30 June 2019.

Toshiba Tec announced net sales for the quarter which ended 30 June 2019, of ¥116.55 billion ($1.096 billion/ €980.61 million) which is up 1.9 percent for the corresponding period of the previous fiscal year. Operation profit for the quarter was down 4 percent to ¥4.1 billion ($38.58 million/ €34.49 million).

Toshiba said in its report it is not revising the forecasts for the full financial year so these are standing at net sales total ¥480 billion ($4.517 billion/ €4.038 billion) for the full year with an operating profit of ¥20 billion ($188.22 million/ €168.27 million).

Basic earnings per share were ¥76.46 ($0.72/ €0.64) for the recent quarter, which is up from the same period of the previous fiscal year where it was ¥29.27 ($0.27/ €0.24).

Categories: City News

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