You have to smile

by | Oct 3, 2019 | 0 comments

a 32 square mile forest is proposed as part of Cornwall’s climate emergency plan

In the west of the United Kingdom is the county of Cornwall and the local government, Cornwall Council and its various businesses have been taken to task for printing 21 million pages in the last year. In fact, in June 2019 they printed 1.7 million pages.  All of this information was contained in a 170-page report handed to committee members so they didn’t have to use their Council provided laptops to read the report.

Cornwall council spends £280,000 (€314,000 / $344,000) a year on printing or £0.013 (€0.014 / $0.016) per page and, according to a BBC report. The Council prints the equivalent of 5,800 trees using more than 400 printers in over 100 locations.

in January this year, Cornwall Council declared a climate emergency and plans to provide a roadmap for carbon neutrality a full twenty years ahead of the UK Government’s target of 2050. The plans include a 32 square mile forest, powering all new homes with alternative energy and making energy efficiency improvements to existing Council-owned housing.

Last month, in an attempt to reduce the amount of printing to save the environment and the council they launched their “Be Green, Keep it on the Screen” campaign. In a short video posted on the Councils Vimeo channel, it is encouraging staff to reduce the amount they are printing we are running an inter-Directorate competition to see which Directorate can reduce their overall amount of print the most.


Why the smile?  At first, you think it is an MPS heaven. Then you read their action plan and you realise they are serious about reducing what they print. If they are going to be successful, they need to look at their print services and think strongly about their reuse strategy.

Why did we choose to publish this story?  Simple really it is what is happening in the market and many organisations are rethinking their print strategies. That doesn’t mean the paperless office is arriving any time soon, but it does present opportunities for companies that are print savvy and offer a service to help organisations are rethinking their print strategies

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