Zhono discusses benefits of Progeasy chip resetter  

by | Mar 31, 2023 | 0 comments

The company, in a recent article, discusses the opportunity reuse of chips offer to lower waste generation in the printing industry.

Zhono’s chip resetter, Progeasy, provides a solution that allows remanufacturers to reset OEM chips to reduce cost and waste. With the use of Progeasy, remanufacturers can reset or programme their used toner and ink cartridge chips without disassembly. 

Remanufacturers can also upgrade chips remotely with Progeasy, efficiently solving the firmware upgrade problems of OEM chips, Zhono added.

Furthermore, programming “empty chips” with Progeasy helps reduce the need for excessive inventory and acts as a viable cost-cutting measure for remanufacturers.

Zhono said: “Progeasy sales have soared since its launch in 2017. By updating their databases online, our customers can reset and program an increasing number of chip series with Progeasy, making the chip resetter popular with remanufacturers and distributors of finished products around the world. Zhono has been continuously expanding the array of OEM chips that Progeasy can reset and recently added the Canon EXV58 model earlier this year.”

Because of the similarity in appearance of many chips, some remanufacturers may have difficulty correctly identifying the model and version of the OEM chip when producing remanufactured toner cartridges. This can lead to misidentifying model numbers, which causes production errors that result in unnecessary after-sales complaints. Zhono added: “To address this, we have embedded Progeasy with a scalable sensor device that can easily identify chips from a distance and ensure that the chip model, version, and page yield, etc. are correct.”

The company believes that the Progeasy LCD screen, touch screen menus and other features can help reduce errors in the remanufacturing process, as well as minimize waste and enhance performance.

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